Board of Directors Application


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Director Nomination Form

Background and Process

AgSafe is British Columbia’s Agricultural Health and Safety Association. We pride ourselves on our record of strong relationships with farmers and thoughtful safety coaching for everyone working in agriculture.

Every year, we seek Board Members (Directors) to help lead AgSafe to excellence and impact. With your help, we can continue to help farmers and farmworkers improve farm safety across the province.

We ask that you take some time to read and respond to the questions (and check the check-boxes) in this package, by March 1st, 2024.

  • This package includes three main sections:
    1. Information about the process of becoming a Director.
    2. A brief form so that we can learn about you.
    3. A checklist to ensure that you are eligible to be a Director with AgSafe.

What is the process for becoming a Director?

  1. Fill this questionnaire and submit to AgSafe Executive Director Wendy Bennett by March 1st, 2024.
  2. We will contact you to set up a 20–30-minute phone or zoom call with one of our Nominations Committee members. They can give you some insight into the work of the AgSafe Board and can answer questions you have.
  3. The Nominations Committee will review each application. If there are more candidates than available Board seats, the Committee will recommend a slate of candidates.
  4. The Board reviews the recommendation of the Nomination Committee and decides about the candidates to put forward for election.
  5. The candidates recommended for election by the Board, will need to draft a personal statement.
  6. Members vote using an electronic tool or by a show of hands at the Annual General Meeting. They have the choice to support or oppose the group of Directors put forward by the Board.
  7. Election results are shared, and the new Directors are approved.

The nomination and election process is intended to result in a balanced representation of the industry, based on criteria developed by the Board. If you have concerns about the process, the criteria, or the decision, please share those with us, as we review the election policy and share feedback with Members so that we can improve the process.

What do we consider in deciding on Directors to stand for election?

AgSafe policy is that the Board will recommend a slate of candidates for election by the Members. The Nomination Committee’s goal is to recommend a group of Directors who:

  1. Are eligible according to the Societies Act and our Bylaws.
  2. Are representative of the categories required by the Bylaws.
  3. Are representative of the geography, agricultural classifications, and demographics of agriculture in the province.
  4. Have skills or assets to contribute or would help people in agriculture to gain experience in governance.

Questions for you

We would like to get to know you better and understand your interest in the AgSafe Board. Completing this information will help us to assess your eligibility for the role and do our best to bring together a group people who love farm safety and who represent the industry in different ways.

Please help us get to know you better by completing the following:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Contact Preference
Please ask your commodity association (if applicable) for a reference to support your application for the board.
Association Email
Are you eligible?
The Society Act says that you can’t be a Director if you fit any one of these categories. Please check any that apply to you.
The AgSafe Board includes four categories of Directors. Do you fall into one or more of these categories?
Do you have any real or potential conflicts of interest? For example, do you make money from an organization that lobbies WorkSafeBC?
If you are not selected as a member of the Board, or if you decide not to join, would you like to be considered in the future? Would you consider volunteering to assist our organization in various ways that match your skills and interests?
How will the information you provide be used by the Nomination Committee and AgSafe?
AgSafe is subject to legislation that limits how we can use any information we collect, and we will only share information that is relevant to members in the process of electing Directors.
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