About AgSafe BC
AgSafe is British Columbia’s Agriculture Safety Association and COR Certifying Partner.
Meet Our Team
Hi from Wendy Bennett,
AgSafe BC Executive DirectorWelcome to AgSafe's website. It is a place for us to share our resources and industry news.
Take a look around, we'd love to hear your comments and how we can continue to improve.

Mission Statement
AgSafe strives to create a safe and healthy work environment in BC agriculture through outreach and an active program of education, training and consultation in all regions of the province.
Agriculture in BC free from workplace injury, illness and death.
Leadership in health and safety to support the success and sustainability of agriculture by:
- Demonstrating our passion for both health and safety, and agriculture.
- Fostering productive relationships and working together.
- Providing expertise in agriculture health and safety
- Acting with integrity in all we say and do.
- Embracing and including the diversity of our communities.
- Effectively delivering resources and services in innovative and creative ways.

Get Safety Certified!
The Certificate of Recognition program is an incentive program and a natural extension of your health and safety program.
Learn More