What is Pesticide Safety?
Pest = A troublesome or destructive animal, insect, plant, or mold
Pesticide = A product used to kill or control pests.
A Pesticide Applicator must be certified and follow the specific regulation requirements for the storage, mixing, loading, applying, equipment used, personal hygiene, as well as product / substance specific requirements.
Pesticides have their own regulations and rules for usage, labels, warnings etc., they are not part of WHMIS Regulations. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is used for all other hazardous materials in the workplace.
An employer must ensure that a worker or applicator who mixes, loads or applies a moderately or very toxic pesticide for use in a workplace or who cleans or maintains equipment used in the operations must hold a valid pesticide applicators certificate.
Pesticide Use
Pesticide Use for TFWs
June 6, 2023 615 downloads
Code of Good Practice for Working with Pesticides (English/French)
October 11, 2017 28 downloads
Code of Good Practice for Working with Pesticides (English/Spanish)
October 11, 2017 32 downloads
Pesticide/Pest Management | GovBC
Pesticide Label Search | GovBC
*Note: AgSafe BC does not offer Pesticide Applicators courses, please use the link to the Government of BC above to find a provider.
Additional resources sorted by topic, and document type are available under Tools and Resources.