Certificate of Recognition (COR) Testimonials


COR Certified Companies


COR certification demonstrates industry leadership in developing strong workplace safety cultures and a commitment to worker health and safety.


"COR certification has been an important step in keeping our workplace safety culture at it's highest level."

Anaconda Systems Limited
"As an arborist company, safety is our top priority. We were very pleased with the COR program, we took a deep dive into all our processes to make sure all is set to the highest standards."

Devine Arboricultural Solutions
"The COR Internal Auditor Program delivered by Agsafe is thorough and well thought out, giving me the knowledge to become a confident auditor. It is evidently clear that the COR program is an asset to our company's Health and Safety initiatives."

Mustang Landscape & Design Ltd.
“The COR program has been a great guide to implementing and meeting our industry’s safety standards. The certification is a great reminder that our safety comes first."

Devon Coombs
Landing Nursery Ltd
"Health & Safety is a top priority for Green Team Solutions, safety is essential at all our worksites, and it is one of the ways we demonstrate care toward our workers. Being COR certified allows our company to be on top of it in every aspect by monitoring and improving Health & Safety regulations constantly."

Green Team Solutions
“The AgSafeBC COR program provides a real-time snapshot of the safety culture within our organization. This process provides opportunities for improvement, insight into strengths and weaknesses, and the roadmap for a safe and successful future. Focusing on the mental and physical health of our people ensures we are sending them home in the same condition as they arrived, mind and body.”

Blair Weber, CRSP/ Kinesiologist
Bayer CropScience Inc.
"The COR program brings guidance and provides many wonderful tools that will help you assess and develop a stronger OHS program within your organization."

Randhawa Farms (Perpetual Vegetable)
“Attaining the COR designation allows Huckleberry Landscape Design to embody our core values: safety leadership and a commitment to continuous improvement.”

Huckleberry Landscape Design
"Safety is not something that can come by chance. You want to work through it with the right metrics, implementation and commitment". The COR program helped Quik’s Farm to achieve its safety Goal. Thank you to AgSafe for leading us through the process and highly recommended to other companies.

Quik’s Farm Ltd.
"I take safety very seriously and I try as much as I can to administer it on all levels. When I came into the company, I told my boss that the first thing I wanted to work on was getting COR certified."

Lawrence Ogbeni,
BZAM Cannabis
“Being COR certified instills confidence in our staff, our customers and the public, and lets them know that safety is of the highest priority”

Spencer Lauriente,
Canadian Landscape & Civil Services Ltd.
"COR has saved us a lot of money and productivity is up …. not as many people getting hurt."

Les Wyman,
Bron & Son’s Nursery
"We really do take safety very seriously here at the farm and we are proud to now be COR certified by WorkSafe and AgSafeBC."

Lydia Ryall,
Cropthorne Farm
"The COR program provides Sea to Sky Soils with the ability to consistently manage, monitor and improve our workplace safety."

Jaye-Jay Berggren,
Sea to Sky Soils
"COR prevents people from getting hurt … It is the right thing to do! I believe it will save lives."

Curtis Heemskerk,
Westwold View Farms
"Becoming COR certified has been a fundamental game-changing event. I would recommend it to any company that has a high-risk environment."

Kirk Spowage,
Royal Wood Tree Care
"The entire team is proud of this official COR recognition. We look forward to continuing to improve the company’s overall health and safety program."

Jaye-Jay Berggren,
Sea to Sky Soils
"Our AgSafe rep has been an inspiration and a great mentor on this journey to achieving our COR goal!"

Fran Guliker,
DeVry Greenhouses
"A safety program is not just a good thing it’s really a mandatory thing."

Kirk Spowage,
Royal Wood Tree Care
"The best way I can show my team I care as a boss is a safe and enjoyable work environment"

Lydia Ryall,
Cropthorne Farm
"The COR program is easy to use, there is an incentive at the end … It is a Win Win situation."

Tia Wagner,
Vernon Seed & Orchard Company
"I love that the crew is bought in and cares as much as I do. It makes implementing farm safety so much easier!"

Lydia Ryall,
Cropthorne Farm

    Video Testimonials

    COR certifications are valid for three years with annual maintenance audits.

    More COR Videos Available Here!