
Reg Steward

Field Operations Advisor

Field Representative

Chilcotin West

Provincial Ranching Consultant

Contact Reg
"The hands on, boots on the ground approach and experience is, I believe, what separates AgSafe from other health and safety agencies and service providers in North America. I am pleased to be a part of that and historically part of developing that approach"
Reg Steward

Since joining FARSHA, now AgSafe, decades ago Reg has sought to live up to the motto “You can pretend to care… you cannot pretend to be there”, which has been an encouraging and driving force in his time with AgSafe.

In seeking to combine significant, specified Health and Safety Training with years of addressing issues with practical, 'doable' experience-based solutions.  It has been Reg's goal to convey to the farmers and ranchers of British Columbia that they matter. He has the privilege of working with and for ranchers and farm people throughout the province in this and other capacities.

In addition to the supervisory and consulting duties Reg provides as an AgSafe consultant, he provides livestock handling clinics, training and courses to agricultural workers, government agencies, stockmen and livestock handlers throughout North America.

Reg rides range and cowboys for ranches near Williams Lake. Working in that world, one that he grew up working in and to which he returned after 20 years as a member of the RCMP, keeps him in touch with the latest ranching issues. It ensures he never forgets the need for practical solutions to issues of health and safety and solutions that work. Reg knows the long days spent in isolation, with changing environments and conditions. He understands the need to be compliant, while understanding the value of blending what is already being done with what needs to be done, the value of what is done being recorded, and the recording being a very simple process. He really enjoys the challenge and revels in working with those who possess the resilient, independent spirit that make farmers and ranchers a very special breed.

Reg says, "The hands on, boots on the ground approach and experience is, I believe, what separates AgSafe from other health and safety agencies and service providers in North America. I am pleased to be part of that and historically part of developing that approach."

He has had the privilege of being a keynote speaker at large agricultural safety gatherings, the chance to address and train, and to do livestock handling clinics all over North America. In that context and at those assemblies there is great interest in how AgSafe deliver services in this province. There are many rewards for the 80,000 plus kms Reg drives each year in delivering the AgSafe message.

Reg has many fond memories gained each year in helping people develop a health and safety management system that works for them. "There is, however, no greater reward than the warm friendships that grow from the relationships built, making safety part of the way you do business adaptations and those amazing 'ah ha' moments. Best among those moments are the ones where we have solved a problem together, where we have integrated the way that they do business with the regulatory requirements that are a reality of todays work world. It is true, there are rules, and there are requirements, but the real goal, the true purpose of the many miles, is you. You the farmer and the rancher of this province whom I get to serve, getting you, your family and workers home at the end of each and every workday.

The true value of the time spent, the many booklets written, the articles supplied, the effort encouraged and provided by each member of the AgSafe team, is that we get to work with you. We get to work with the people who are the historical and continued backbone of our society. That takes time, caring and forging relationships.  It means you have to be there; …”you can pretend to care… you cannot pretend to be there."

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