Communicable Diseases
Definition: Communicable diseases are illnesses that spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person, or from a surface or a food. - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)REMINDER: "Stay up-to-date on your immunizations, including flu and tetanus-diphtheria booster.” - Immunize BC
Regulatory Updates & Information
GovBC, PHO, WorkSafeBC, Etc.
Planning for emergencies is crucial as they can occur without warning. Being well-prepared enables an effective response. Employers can utilize these resources to develop emergency procedures and help prepare for unforeseen disasters.
Employers must customize all AgSafeBC documents to fit their individual operation’s needs.
Risk Assessments, Infection Prevention & Control Protocols
Involve frontline workers, supervisors, joint health and safety committee (or worker representative) in the process.
The links and resources available in this section are third-party and not directly related to AgSafe Services.