Certificate of Recognition
(COR) Registration


What’s My Rebate?


Contact COR

External CU Membership Information:

Naturally Aligned Employers within B.C may also purchase a membership with AgSafe BC based on the level of assistance they are looking for.

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COR for Large Employers

20 or More Full Time Employees
Information about AgSafe's Large Employer COR Certification process.

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COR for Small Employers

19 or Less Full Time Employees
Information about AgSafe's Small Employer COR Certification process.

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COR is available to all members of B.C. Agriculture.

Employers from naturally aligned industries (example: Landscapers, Arborists, etc.) who are interested in COR, should also fill in the form to find out what options are available to you.

Required Fields *
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Registration Date
(Employer size (calculated using rolling average: total # of workers (including part-time, full-time, seasonal) divided by 12 months)
First & Last Name of Company Contact
Street Address
Terms of Participation